Subject: ACPI bug (kernel periodic reboot)
To: None <>
From: Vincent <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 01/14/2005 22:58:15
I thought my bug was solved in 2.99.14 but no.
It is very simple. If I unplug my laptop, the kernels produces this
acpibat0: battery info: COMPAQ , 4E4F494C, Primary, 009F
Then, about 3 or 4 seconds later, the computer reboots. And each time
this message appears, that is to say some undefined time after powering
up, 3 or 4 seconds later, it stops and reboots.
This phemonenon was new in 2.99.13, and does not show up in 2.99.12, to
which I have currently reverted.
Any clue ?