Subject: Re: two OS'es on two procs of MP system
To: None <>
From: Sascha Retzki <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/22/2005 18:05:54
On Wed, Jun 22, 2005 at 05:15:43PM +0200, Zeljko Vrba wrote:
> Does this idea I've just written make any sense? Is it at least
> theoretically possible to do? If not, why? Has it already been done?
> Maybe I should just use XEN for development purposes (then XEN has an
> API that I'd need to learn...)?
well we have xen support so it depends what you are actually doing in
general (the "do I have to learn the Xen-API"-part).
The idea itsself sounds interesting, tho I am really xen-friendly :-)
I assume a "native virtualization" (so just netbsd-stuff is involved)
may even be more stable? Dunno ;)
From a totally unrelated source, I heared of the L4-folks doing
"some interesting work with pre-virtualization as an alternative
to para-virtualization provided by Xen or rHype.":
(Sitenote: I did not even read those papers yet :)
Sascha Retzki