Subject: Re: suggestion: gallery of kernel configurations
To: Erik E.Fair <>
From: John Franklin <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/15/2005 21:48:08
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On Jul 12, 2005, at 5:52 AM, Erik E. Fair wrote:
> I want to distinguish this from configurations that The NetBSD Project
> maintains (or doesn't maintain) in its source repository - those =20
> have (in some
> sense) a stronger guarantee of working, whereas what I am =20
> suggesting is,
> "here's one that worked for me at the time I posted it here."
> Comments?
I think it's a great idea. Less so for the x86 systems which are MB+=20
[nearly unbounded combination of expansion boards.] Though, with so =20
much being included in MBs today, even that's not so true anymore. =20
The Athlon 64 MB I have has IDE, SATA, 2xGigE, audio, USB, Firewire. =20=
The only board in it is the video board, which NetBSD doesn't get too =20=
specific about in the kernel configs.
However! The number of laptops with funky ACPI settings to get the =20
audio to work, or the relatively small set of Apple or Alpha or Sun =20
machines that could be in the library of Kernel configs... that would =20=
be really useful.
John Franklin
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