Subject: Re: Verifying a kernel.
To: Tonnerre <>
From: John Nemeth <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/20/2005 15:13:35
On Dec 10, 9:52am, Tonnerre wrote:
} You would agree that if you build a door lock that should only assure that
} the door keeps closed, and is prone to being opened using lockpicks, people
} might get the idea that it secures their doors, which is wrong.
This is off-topic, but I would just like to point out that this is
a bad example since the vast majority of door locks are proned to being
opened using lockpicks, especially ones used on residences. Apartment
buildings are starting to use good locks on their front doors, but the
inside locks are still junk. The average Weiser lock can be picked in
seconds. Cheap junk like Taymor or worse can be picked even faster.
}-- End of excerpt from Tonnerre