Subject: detecting two SATA masters?
To: None <>
From: Hubert Feyrer <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/07/2005 23:17:13

is it possible to make NetBSD detect and scream if it detects two disks 
configured as SATA masters? Seems some PC backup software can do that, see 

  - Hubert

---------- Forwarded message ----------
Date: Sun, 7 Aug 2005 08:21:07 -0700
From: s666666
To: Hubert Feyrer <>
Subject: Re[3]: [g4u-help] Won't copy and disables disk

Hello Hubert,

Friday, August 5, 2005, 9:24:34 PM, you wrote:

HF> Other guesses welcome!

Finally found the problem, I think. It was operator error after all.
Turns out I didn't replace the "slave" jumper on the backup disk, and
so the BIOS was faced with two master drives. I often test backups to
make sure they really work, and most of the time I put the jumpers
back. :-) Still booted up fine, though, but likely got confused as to
which disk to write to.

I switched to TrueImage and did a backup with ANOTHER backup disk that
was properly configured. Worked well, as one would expect. When I
again tried to use the misconfigured disk, TrueImage signaled a
problem, and that was when I discovered the missing jumper. When it
was put back in the drive, that disk worked as well.

Is there a way to detect such a problem in g4u? If so, it might be
nice to include it if not too difficult.

I'm going to again try g4u, but with a properly configured disk. :-)

Thanks much for the help, and for g4u!

Best regards,