Subject: Re: splraiseipl()
To: Iain Hibbert <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/05/2005 19:10:51
On Nov 5, 2005, at 12:25 PM, Iain Hibbert wrote:
> On Sun, 6 Nov 2005, YAMAMOTO Takashi wrote:
>>>> IPL_* are the appropriate values to use, I think. IPL_xxx should
>>>> correspond directly to splxxx(), so there is no need for additional
>>>> constants that would basically be aliases of IPL_*.
>>> if that is so, then why is splraiseipl() necessary?
>> because it's the cleanest way i can think of
>> to parametrize IPLs in MI subsystems.
>> please suggest an alternative, if you have any better idea.
> Whats wrong with splraise() for the name? It looks to me like some
> architectures are already using that in the same way that you are
> proposing use of splraiseipl() - do any use it differently?
The contents of argument passed to the splraise() functions is not MI
-- mostly, it's not always an IPL_* constant, but rather some machine-
dependent value (like imask[IPL_BIO], or something).
>> From your patch, I see eg hp700 does use splraise with a mask value
> instead of the IPL value, but that could be solved easily enough by
> use of _splraise at MD level instead as seems to be done in eg evpmips
> ?
> iain
-- thorpej