Subject: Re: /dev on tmpfs problem
To: matthew green <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/13/2005 15:35:06
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On Sun, Nov 13, 2005 at 01:25:56PM +1100, matthew green wrote:
> =20
> IMO removing tmpfs auto-sizing feature is a way to go.
> ie. mandate -s option of mount_tmpfs and trust it.
> i want tmpfs to resize based on how much ram i have, or swap, or
> some cmobo, by default. having to change static configuration
> parameters when i simply add memory is a concept that should be
> dead in this millennium...
Plus, -s is the wrong way around. That's an upper limit on the size
of files you can store in tmpfs. The problem here is the reverse - not
having enough free space reported in tmpfs because filecache (or some
other better use of the memory) gobbled it all in the meantime.
I'm guessing this problem is only really evident on machines without,
or with relatively small, swap space. Otherwise, free pages in swap
would be 'available' to tmpfs, and when allocated would push out file
cache pages.
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