Subject: re: free space (was /dev) on tmpfs problem
To: Jason Thorpe <>
From: matthew green <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/15/2005 09:42:16
>> So there are two problems:
>> 1. tmpfs is not reporting free space sanely for df
>> 2. tmpfs is apparently not allowing itself to compete with file
>> cache
>> for free-memory resources.
> yes, and my suggestted patch (mandate -s) solves both of them.
I totally support yamt's patch ... mandating -s is a reasonable
how does one have a default /tmp tmpfs for a fresh install?
i talked to some folks familiar with linux tmpfs. unless a
size is specified, it uses half of ram. i guess in this case
it's like passing -s but is dynamically calculated.
(linux tmpfs also uses virtually no extra ram due to using
other kernel cache objects (ie, vnode/inode/directory) rather
than keeping track of them with private structure. i wonder
if those ideas could be adapted for our tmpfs?)