Subject: Re: crcmp(), once again
To: YAMAMOTO Takashi <>
From: Christos Zoulas <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/19/2005 13:11:50
On Nov 20,  3:02am, (YAMAMOTO Takashi) wrote:
-- Subject: Re: crcmp(), once again

| > >> Please explain why the order of groups is important. I don't see it.
| > >
| > >When it has to be shortened because the NFS packets only have space
| > >for a small number of groups....
| > 
| > In that case instead of truncating the group list one should check
| > which groups are irrelevant to the operation and get rid of those.
| > 
| > christos
| i don't think it's worth to break existing systems in this case.

Can you please explain to me how does this break existing systems? If I am
in many groups and I try to modify a file that belongs to a group that will
be truncated I will get `Permission Denied'. If, on the other hand, I choose
to include the group relevant to the operation and not another group
that is not used in the current RPC operation, how does that break things?
