Subject: PCI nics on big-endian CPUs [was Re: vge not working on bigendian, either (was Re: CVS commit: src/sys/dev/pci)]
To: Jeff Rizzo <>
From: Jonathan Stone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/30/2005 12:28:21
In message <>Jeff Rizzo writes
>(Moved from source-changes)
>Izumi Tsutsui wrote:
>>In article <>
>> wrote:
>>>>Modified Files:
>>>> src/sys/dev/pci: if_bgereg.h
>>>>Log Message:
>>>>Remove unnecessary byteswap code so that bge(4) should work
>>>>at least on macppc.
>>>I can confirm this fixes my bge(4) on macppc... can you please request
>>>pullups for both netbsd-2 and netbsd-3?
>>BTW, does anyone try vge(4) on macppc (or other BE machines)?
Uh... if (dim) memory serves, the main difference between my port of
the FreeBSD-4 bge(4) and the one (Christos?) committed is that the
committed version worked on Sparcs. Sparcs are big-endian.
Does the cited change to if_bgereg break bge on sparc, or make it
work, or something completely different?
Cc'ed to tech-kern for informed comment on PCI bus on big-endian CPU.