Subject: Re: RFC: vesafb, splash screen, and rasops shadowfb patch
To: Eric Haszlakiewicz <>
From: Daniel Carosone <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/15/2006 12:26:21
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On Tue, Feb 14, 2006 at 04:26:14PM -0600, Eric Haszlakiewicz wrote:
> > Assuming splash screens really get you excited. I'm afraid they don't
> > get me excited, and I'd prefer to see the probe messages. Over an
> > image if need be, but I want to see them.
> Do you think most NetBSD users want to see them? Do you think most
> NetBSD users have a need to see them?
> IMO, the answer to both of those questions is no. Displaying a splash
> screen instead of probe messages certainly makes the boot process look a
> lot more polished, which is nice from an end-user perspective.
I'm not saying its a bad feature - just it's not the aspect of this
good work that I personally see as most valuable. I can see a use for
it, I can see the circumstances under which it's considered nice or
I gave some other examples of related outcomes from Jared's good work
that I see as offering more benefit overall -- if for no other reason
than that they take effect for the 99.999% of the time when the
machine isn't in the process of booting.
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