Subject: Re: INET6 in GENERIC
To: None <>
From: Ignatios Souvatzis <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/20/2006 21:00:30
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On Mon, Feb 20, 2006 at 08:23:35PM +0100, Martin S. Weber wrote:
> I'd have to tunnel somewhere out of country to find someone to talk ipv6
> [...]
If I read your mail header correclty, you'd have to possibly select
a different ADSL access network, then choose among at least two ISPs who
offer dual IPv4/IPv6 on top of that.
> Sure. If every mac needs to be traced back so you can see
> if they paid for their visas, er, vistas, then you probably
> need it. "We don't route you. Go pay for your OS. :P"
The OS vendors don't need IPv6 for that, anyway. They one we're talking
about already does it with their current OS version even if you're only
connected to the legacy Internet, or not at all.
> [...]
> And I'm not the one calling my isp "Hey. I want TIA-compatible
> surveillance id obvious to the rest of the world, PLEASE."
You seem not to have noticed that=20
a) they can do that anyway with IPv4 and other means with _their_ OS, as
you can't control what happens inside their kernel
b) you can give your machine any IPv6 address suffix you like, if you
configure it manually or via DHCPv6
c) they're the only ones I'm aware of who actually implemented the "create
a new randomized suffix every few minutes" (IPv6 privacy option)
Whatever evil they might be thinking of in other areas, this isn't one of=
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