Subject: Re: IPSEC in GENERIC
To: None <>
From: Thomas E. Spanjaard <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/20/2006 23:01:29
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> <snip less-than-friendly arguments>
GENERIC is supposed to give a generic config that applies to most uses.
Seeing that the IPv6 deployment rate is steady and will continue to be
so in the future, I see no reason to leave it out. Given that in some
areas, IPv6 is close to mainstream (think Japan, mobile networks,
government support in a couple of other Asian countries as well,
provider backing in Europe), I see no reason to leave it out, being
pretty generic enough. IPsec however does not have this prospect (yet),
so it makes sense to leave it out. If IPsec turns out to be common in
the future, it should be added to GENERIC anyway, no matter what the
cost is (assuming it's fully working, ofcourse). Besides this, IPsec in
NetBSD is still somewhat shrouded in vagaries, at least it comes accross
to me like that. As for now, IPsec should not end up in GENERIC, for the
above reasons.
Hope this comment is of any help,
Thomas E. Spanjaard
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