Subject: Re: Call for testing: ACPI standby/suspend support
To: Jared D. McNeill <>
From: Vincent <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 03/09/2006 19:52:42
Jared D. McNeill a écrit :

> PLEASE TEST THIS CODE! It's very simple, boot a kernel with these
> patches single-user, and run 'apm -d -z'. Report your results. If you
> can, provide patches to hardware device driver powerhooks. This is
> probably the biggest task involved with getting ACPI suspend/resume
> working properly.

> [1] If your firmware is broken and doesn't re-initialize the display
> adapter on resume from S3, try setting a power-on password in your BIOS.
> The 'enter your unlock password' screen is enough to kick mine back into
> action.

That's what I get on my ex-Compaq Presario 2800 Laptop. The thing starts 
closing up everything, I get those messages:

ath0: ath_cardbus_power
pckbd0: suspending
pckdbport: command timeout
pckbd_disable: command error
pckbd_slot_enable(0) failed

then it goes to sleep. The power led blinks, as well as one of the leds 
of my Netgear PC-Card IEEE 802.11g, which is nice. But when I try to 
wake it up using the ON/OFF switch, I hear the fan spinning again, but 
that's all. The power LED gets back to a steady light, the LED of the 
PC-Card goes on blinking, the screen does not light, and the keyboard 
stays inoperative. I have to switch off through the dirty method (long 
press on the ON/OFF switch) to reboot it correctly.


PS: I must add that I there at least one bug in the ACPI I am aware of : 
the acpibat driver causes a plain and unexpected reboot each time it is 
being asked for something regarding battery status. I had to disable it.