Subject: Default console text colour too dim?
To: None <>
From: Jared D. McNeill <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/11/2006 00:17:38
Hey folks.
I've noticed on a few of my vesafb test machines that in 8bpp
paletted mode, the console text colour is a very dark grey. It seems
that this is because I use rasops_cmap to initialize an "ANSI
colourmap", and the definition of ``white'' is as follows:
0xc7, 0xc7, 0xc7, /* white - XXX too dim? */
If I override this value in vesafb to something higher, let's say
{ 0xdf, 0xdf, 0xdf }, then the text is actually readable. I've also
heard reports of other users of rasops that have similar problems
with the default text colour being too dim. In my experience though,
not all VESA devices are nearly as dim.
Is there any reason to not just bump the values in sys/dev/rasops/
rasops.c:rasops_cmap? Or should hw drivers simply work around this?
If the latter, a driver like vesafb would have no way of knowing as
different VESA implementations appear to behave differently.
[side note: FreeBSD's default text colour is a much brighter white,
and it seems certainly reasonable to me (let the flames begin)]
FYI, here's some examples of what I'm talking about (screenshots
taken from VirtualPC).
Default vesafb, 0xc7 for "white":
Modified vesafb, 0xdf for "white":
Reference vga:
Keep in mind that this is not a VirtualPC-specific problem; I have
seen the problem elsewhere.