Subject: Re: @booted_kernel magic symlink?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 04/27/2006 14:52:49
> But observe that to DTRT here is actually hard. You want the name of
> the kernel that was running. You would find that name in the dump.
> But to know the offset in the dump to find the name, you need the
> nlist from the kernel you are looking for.
Worse - to even *find* the dump, you need to know where it was taken.
There's no guarantee that the dumpdev in the crashed kernel is the same
as the dumpdev in the running kernel.
> I suspect that's probably why the savecore author just gave up and
> DTWT. :/
I'd actually prefer to see savecore grow an option to tell it where the
crashed kernel is, for the (rare, I suspect) case where savecore is
being run under a kernel other than the one that crashed. This will, I
think, solve (FSVO "solve") all the problems: it will allow manual
override in the cases where doing TRT mechanically is hard, and its
presence will point out the issue to admins, making TWT less of a
problem when it happens.
But, of course, since it's unlikely I'd be doing the work....
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