Subject: Re: HEADS UP: gdamore-uart branch
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Garrett D'Amore <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/10/2006 11:48:37
der Mouse wrote:
>>> Does anyone run NetBSD seriously on hardware slower than this
>>> (25MHz)?
>> Maybe the possible slowest machine which has 16x50 com and can run
>> NetBSD is 12MHz 386SX PC or 16MHz 68020 hp300, but I'm not sure if
>> still there are any working ones.
> I have a very old peecee motherboard which might (a) still work and (b)
> be suitable.  I can't tell until I get home tonight, but if nobody else
> steps up, I may be able to do some testing if someone can tell me what
> I should be testing and provide me with kernels and suchlike.

Any i386 kernel from gdamore-uart branch would be good.  What you are
testing is serial performance.  If you have a way to measure that
directly, it would be optimal.  Unfortunately I don't have any concrete
suggestions other than PPP or SLIP.

If you'd like, I can post a kernel on

    -- Garrett
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Garrett D'Amore, Principal Software Engineer
Tadpole Computer / Computing Technologies Division,
General Dynamics C4 Systems
Phone: 951 325-2134  Fax: 951 325-2191