Subject: Re: Further scheduler changes
To: Daniel Sieger <dsieger@TechFak.Uni-Bielefeld.DE>
From: Allen Briggs <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 09/19/2006 09:51:11
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On Tue, Sep 19, 2006 at 02:57:30PM +0200, Daniel Sieger wrote:
> I spoke to some faculty staff this morning and I'd have the chance to
> work on the NetBSD scheduler as a part of my course of studies. Within
> the scope of this project I think I could manage to design and
> implement the above mentioned abstract scheduler framework and at
> least one additional scheduling scheme.


> Before starting to work on
> this I would need to know if such a framework is wanted by the
> NetBSD project and how chances are that the framework could be
> integrated into the source tree, given reasonable stability and
> performance.

It's something that's been on the "wanted list" for quite some
time.  Given good design, stability and reasonable performance,
I'd give it a near-sure chance of integration.

I think there are also a few people who have spent some time thinking
about this and would be willing to provide feedback on the design
and implementation--privately or publically.


Allen Briggs  |  |  briggs@ninthwonder=

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