Subject: Re: Removig generic optstr_get
To: matthew green <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 10/25/2006 14:58:15
On Oct 25, 2006, at 2:50 PM, matthew green wrote:
>> all that information is easily given on the linux kernel command
>> line.
>> that's where i don't want to be hand-typing plists.
> I don't think anyone's asking you to type plists. I think the
> argument being made here is that the boot loader ought to convert
> the
> arguments from whatever format it finds convenient INTO a plist
> that
> is then handed off to the kernel. This would be a nice way to
> handle
> e.g. the bootinfo stuff that many ports currently have.
> yeah, that's all cool.
> but the generic optstr_get() code under discussion would be useful
> for both bootloaders *and* the kernel, in my desired future, so
> moving it to i386 specific code seems suboptimal.
So, it should probably move to libkern.
-- thorpej