Subject: Re: CMSG_* problems
To: None <,>
From: Peter Seebach <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 02/12/2007 18:02:01
In message <200702122342.SAA01359@Sparkle.Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>, der Mouse writes:
>> Then use intmax_t instead. intmax_t is defined as holding the
>> largest integral value and will be able to contain a pointer as well.
>Will be able to contain a pointer, sure. But not necessarily, will be
>at least as strictly aligned as a pointer.
To be maximally picky:
intmax_t can hold a pointer *if any integral type can*.
I can't imagine us ever porting to a system where that assumption wouldn't
hold, but it should be pointed out that it IS an assumption.