Subject: Re: bge query 3
To: None <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/25/2007 17:31:14
On Fri, May 25, 2007 at 06:58:24PM +0000, Michael van Elst wrote:
> (Patrick Welche) writes:

[fairly detailed technical discussion of bge initialization, which
 appears to have been written without access to the chip docs]

I am glad people are working on this driver.  However, please, if you
don't have *current* documentation for the *specific* bge chip you're
modifying the code for, please don't commit changes without bouncing
them off someone who does -- there are a few NetBSD developers, at this
point, who do, as well as at least one person at Broadcom who is
often willing to help.

The documentation isn't perfect but by comparing it with the Linux
driver, which also isn't perfect, one can usually get "close enough".
But working from just the docs or just the other drivers is going to yield
performance and functionality reversions in the driver -- you can imagine
how I know.  ;-)
