Subject: Re: pagedaemon: measuring performance
To: Sumantra Kundu <>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 05/30/2007 13:26:50
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On Mon, May 28, 2007 at 12:33:57AM -0500, Sumantra Kundu wrote:
> Hi,
> Currently I am tweaking the performance of the page daemon by
> modifying the decision thresholds based on which the daemon moves
> pages from active to inactive list.
I'm confused. I thought the active list contained pages that were in use,=
and the inactive ones that weren't. Thus how does anything other than the=
actual user of pages make this change?
> Questions: What is the most appropriate way (measurement parameters)
> to understand the change in performance of the page daemon?
To be honest, this depends.
It depends on what you are doing.
I think a good thing to try is pick a class of workload, such as=20
mostly-sequential access. Then pick a test tool that generates this load.=
Then monitor its performance metrics as you adjust things.
Take care,
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