Subject: Re: GPT support still needed? (was: RE: Recursive partitioning)
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/07/2007 03:47:54
>> That's the flag day I was talking about: the time when there's no
>> BSD disklabel on the disk, the backward-incompatible change.
> But your old disks will still work if you have the BSD disklabel
> wedge parser configured (which we will),
But not the other way around.
> and you will even be able to edit / create BSD disklabels using the
> new partition editing tool.
Perhaps I misunderstood "A BSD disklabel won't be present on the disk
in any way, shape, or form", but it sure sounds inconsistent with this.
Which is the truth? Or is there some reading that I'm missing that
allows them both to be true at once?
Or is this "we'll junk compatability by default but if you work hard
enough you can get it back again"? How long will the latter part be
true? Maybe as much as one major release?
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