Subject: RE: [OT zeurkous <-> der Mouse] FU: RE: GPT support still needed?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: De Zeurkous <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/07/2007 08:51:40
On Thu, June 7, 2007 08:35, der Mouse wrote:
>> [...De Zeurkous demonstrating lack of comprehension of the difference
>> between "registrant" and "registrar"...]
No, I was demonstrating a lapse in my interpretation skills of English
after being deprived of most sleep for months. See now why I can't
undertake any effort at writing production code ATM?
> No more responses to you here from me until you talk intelligently
> about NetBSD kernel issues.
Apart from your rather strange definition of 'intelligence', that's good,
because if you send any more messages with an essentially invalid return
address I will feed them right back through your system until either you
get a clue (unlikely) or it explodes into a ball of bits (somewhat more
De Zeurkous
Friggin' Machines!
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