Subject: Re: GPT support still needed?
To: None <>
From: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/08/2007 02:54:30
> But, as I said. I'm a guy who likes to run machines that most here
> would toss on the scrap heap right away.
Me too.
> (Right now I'm doing some work on the VAX-8650 here. Might be a
> candidate for the physically largest machine running NetBSD.
> But doing a build of just tools and kernel is probably going to get
> close to a week by now...)
Ouch! And I thought my WorkPad was slow! (hpcmips, and it looks as
though it'll take about a week to do a full build of the world - and
that's with local disk (a microdrive).)
Of course, my diskless MicroVAX-II used to take a week to do a build of
the 1.4T'd probably take what, a month?, to build 3.1...if
it could at all.
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