Subject: Re: Kernel config file
To: Johnny Billquist <>
From: Quentin Garnier <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/18/2007 10:45:25
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On Mon, Jun 18, 2007 at 10:00:29AM +0200, Johnny Billquist wrote:
> I'm curious.
> Can someone explain to me what the big win is with these xml-style format=
> More "modern" just don't cut it here. What else is there to it?
> It's definitely more verbose, with lots of cruft you need to get just=20
> right, to express something rather simple.
> The size of the files seem to grow to about triple.
> It's a mess to deal with if you need to edit by hand.
> I'm one of those guys who still haven't jumped on the xml bandwagon. Try=
> to convince me, or I'll keep thinking you're morons. :)
The point is not XML. The point is using proplib, so you don't have to
rewrite a fucking parser every time you add functionality or change the
syntax of the configuration. XML is just a way of doing that, which is
well known and is used in a lot of other contexts. But just any proplib
codec is fine.
Rah, if people could think for a second before stopping as soon as they
see XML in mail.
I don't like XML myself, but I see the value in using proplib to store
or pass data between subsystems. If XML is the price to pay for that,
well, I find it a reasonable deal. I don't mind people disagreeing on
that point, but what annoys me is people not seeing anything but XML in
Quentin Garnier - -
"You could have made it, spitting out benchmarks
Owe it to yourself not to fail"
Amplifico, Spitting Out Benchmarks, Hometakes Vol. 2, 2005.
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