Subject: Re: proplib changes
To: Jachym Holecek <>
From: Jason Thorpe <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/25/2007 21:10:58
My apologies for taking so long to post my objections, but I was
completely swamped with WWDC07 the last few weeks, and had very little
time to see my kids, let alone deal with NetBSD stuff.
On Jun 7, 2007, at 7:13 AM, Jachym Holecek wrote:
> Hello,
> I'd like to propose a couple of changes to proplib(3), implemented
> by the code at:
> Patch against -current src/ [165KB]:
> Regression tests to replace regress/lib/libprop:
> Online-browsable versions:
> regress.lib.libprop/
> The changes are:
> o Split encoding-specific bits from the rest of the code.
> See common/include/prop/prop_codec.h
> common/lib/libprop/prop_codec_impl.h
> common/lib/libprop/prop_codec.c
One of the basic design principles of proplib was that each object
type is completely self-contained. Yes, I know there is one place
where it bleeds through in the current code:
_prop_object_internalizer_table[] in prop_object.c. However, aside
from that, it's all contained within the object class implementations
Your changes violate this basic design principle. You need to fix
your code accordingly.
> o Teach the library to support multiple codec backends,
> these are selected at compile time.
> See common/lib/libprop/prop_codec.c
> common/lib/libprop/prop_xml.c
> common/lib/libprop/prop_scn.c
> o Add a new codec (called "SCN") in addition to XML format.
> See common/lib/libprop/prop_scn.c
> [example follows below]
In some ways, I am dumbfounded that we're still discussing the
serialization format used by proplib. All you XML haters need to just
get over it. There is NO ADVANTAGE to having another plain-text
serialization format when you consider that the format we already have
is already in wide use (by Mac OS X / Darwin, not to mention GNUstep
and some of the other Core Foundation property list work-alikes out
there), especially when the format chosen has no prior art, and
therefore no cross-platform compatibility.
If you want a very compact, fast-to-parse format, then implement the
OS X binary property list format (I can provide information about this
format upon request; it's actually documented in a header file in the
open source Core Foundation sources).
But, really, there is apparently nothing other than personal taste
that is driving stuff like "SCN". I think there needs to be a very
high bar set for gratuitous "personal taste" changes like this when
there are no concrete technical advantages. I must say that I am
somewhat disappointed that Core hasn't put a stop to this N-I-H
-- thorpej