Subject: Re: proplib changes
To: Trevor Talbot <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/26/2007 07:29:13
On Tue, Jun 26, 2007 at 01:06:10AM -0700, Trevor Talbot wrote:
> On 6/26/07, Thor Lancelot Simon <> wrote:
> >What you're missing is that "the tools" in this case means "any
> >proplib-using application". It doesn't matter if you write a boot
> >properties list in XML or SCN, it looks the same to proplib internally;
> >and, similarly, it can output that list of boot properties in XML or
> >SCN, as you like.
> But the issue is what happens when there's an existing configuration
> file I want to edit. If it's in one of the 7,999 formats I'm not
> comfortable with, I have to use another tool just to get it into a
> form where I can edit it. (And there's still the issue of
No: proplib can not only internalize, but also externalize every format
it can read; so you never need "another tool", only the program that
stores and uses data in proplib in the first place. It can write any
valid configuration back out in any format.
The comment issue, unfortunately, is a generic proplib issue, unless you
are never going to let programs externalize the data you load into them,
which would lose a lot of the point of using proplib at all.