Subject: Re: proplib changes
To: None <>
From: Lucio De Re <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 06/26/2007 18:05:33
On Tue, 2007-06-26 at 08:54 -0700, Jason Thorpe wrote:
> The right answer for people who don't want to edit XML property
> lists  
> in that format is to have a property list editor built on top of  
> proplib.  It would not really be that hard to write one.
OK, so you may get 7999 editors, but that does not seem to conflict with
anything.  The question that comes to mind, then, is "should XML not be
just another of these "editor" formats?"

I, for one, don't really like the need for a parser in the library, but
I don't believe that my preference has to be shared by everyone.
