Subject: Re: new mremap(2): relax alignment restrictions?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Bill Stouder-Studenmund <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 07/26/2007 12:30:21
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On Thu, Jul 26, 2007 at 08:02:27AM -0400, der Mouse wrote:
> >> I'm not sure there's more here than a covert channel [...]
> > We should check, but I doubt there is a security issue here.
> Depends on what you consider a security issue.
> > All you're going to find is anything extra you scribbled while the
> > page was in cache.
> No...anything extra *someone* scribbled while the page was in cache.
> Hence my calling it a covert channel: it's something processes can use
> to communicate while appearing to be not communicating - that is, the
> channel is hard to detect (because it never makes it to the file) or
> trace (because it's lost as soon as that page is tossed from cache).
Well, this is always true. The only difference in what we're talking about=
is that the processes involved don't have to be simutaneously running. If=
there were, you could use this channel even w/ older versions of NetBSD.
> Admittedly, this isn't quite the usual use of the term "covert
> channel"; it more usually refers to a method for two entities to
> communicate that aren't supposed to be able to communicate. But I
> think communicating without appearing to use any channel they have
> (such as a mutually writable file) is close enough that I don't mind
> using the term.
> This is a security issue in a sufficiently paranoid context. Is NetBSD
> such a context? That's the debatable part. I suspect it is not - we
> have so many other covert channels - but I'd still prefer to see the
> bug fixed. (Probably not enough to actually do the work myself, so I'm
> not sure attention should be paid to my preferences, of course.)
> > The one issue we would need to keep track of in "fixing" this issue
> > is that we don't clobber something that's in the process of extending
> > the file.
> Hmm, that's a good question.
> Process A:
> open 10-byte file
> mmap 10 bytes
> Process B:
> extend file to 20 bytes
> Process A:
> write into the 10-20 byte range of the mapping
> Should the data process A writes make it into the file? I'd say it
> shouldn't in an abstract sense, but that could be very hard to arrange,
> especially if you want modifications to the 0-10 range to be shared.
I agree that this'd be hard to arrange. I however think we shouldn't=20
bother. I don't believe that mmap has ever promised to let you map less=20
than a page. Sure, you can ask for less, but you always get a whole page=20
(or pages). So scribbling after what you thought was the end but some=20
other process has made a valid part of the file seems quite reasonable.
Take care,
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