Subject: Syscall number space
To: None <>
From: Thor Lancelot Simon <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/26/2007 18:53:56
We have a number of regions in syscalls.master that are marked as
reserved for "vendor use". Unfortunately NetBSD syscalls (including
some obsolete ones) fill many of those spaces. We are also nearing the
current limit of 512 on the total number of system calls (we are over
I think it's reasonable to expect that vendors building proprietary
systems from NetBSD should be able to add systems calls and not worry
that they'll be stomped when importing the canonical NetBSD sources
at some point in the future. I'd like to propose that we reserve system
calls 450-500 (or at least, perhaps, 450-475) for vendor use and commit
to not use them up later in a NetBSD release.
Thor Lancelot Simon
"The inconsistency is startling, though admittedly, if consistency is to
be abandoned or transcended, there is no problem." - Noam Chomsky