Subject: Re: possible root devices?
To: der Mouse <mouse@Rodents.Montreal.QC.CA>
From: Jachym Holecek <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 08/27/2007 18:45:45
# der Mouse 2007-08-27:
> I've got a question about the list of possible root devices (the one
> printed if you type ? to the prompt provoked by RB_ASKNAME).
> I'm working on my "root on cgd" stuff.  I think I'm most of the way
> there.  I got cgd0 to show up - it's in the list of disks according to
> hw.disknames - but it's not on the list of disks referred to above.
> That list looks as though it's scanning all devices and printing the
> disks, but there's obviously something going wrong.
> Any ideas what I'm missing?

Are you sure there's a device_t corresponding to "cgd0"? At a glance,
I don't see cgd(4) creating a device instance. RB_ASKNAME walks along
the list of all devices (known to date) and picks those of DV_DISK

	-- Jachym