Subject: Re: is __NetBSD_Version__ being misused (again) ?
To: None <>
From: Trevor Talbot <>
List: tech-kern
Date: 11/18/2007 00:43:29
On 11/17/07, Bernd Ernesti <> wrote:

> Pavel mentioned that he couldn't find a usage of __NetBSD_Prereq__()
> in the wild and thats where the problem starts, because __NetBSD_Version__
> is normaly beeing used and you would expect that it is all zero for 4.0.0
> when you want to check that you just run on 4.0.0 and not 400000003 or
> 40000000x where x > 0.

If you know you want to run specifically on the released version of
4.0.0, why would you not use whatever value it actually has on 4.0.0,
regardless of what that value may be?  That's what I meant about
locking to a specific version.  You can't test compatibility by
guessing at an interface you don't have access to...