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Re: Setting TERM in single user mode

On Mon, 6 Oct 2008, Robert Elz wrote:

   Date:        Mon, 6 Oct 2008 14:29:09 +0100 (BST)
   From:        David Brownlee <>
   Message-ID:  <alpine.NEB.1.10.0810061427410.6735%iris.i@localhost>

[Aside: why is this discussion on tech-kern?   I only noticed that
after I sent the previous reply - /.profile and tech-kern don't
really fit together, you'd get more replies probably if you asked
more appropriate people...]

        That was fingers typing faster than brain when addressing the
        email :/

 | Good point. Assume we wrap it in [ -x /usr/bin/tset ]

Then wouldn't that be just what is there already?  The most recent change
to /.profile (which already exists) seems to be Feb 2005, and it already
contains a tset command wrapped in a test to make sure it exists and is
executable (ie: exactly what you proposed!)

        Looking into this it looks like sysinst has been deleting
        /.profile after install. It was code left over when it
        copied the install filesystem into the target before
        extracting sets.

        Now, thats fixed, plus an 'off' constty entry has been added to
        /etc/ttys the existing /.profile should do the right thing.

                David/absolute       -- No hype required --

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