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Re: Tracking ATA/ATAPI ioctl() calls....

On Oct,Wednesday 8 2008, at 12:05 AM, Bryce Simonds wrote:


That has failed me. I've tried building a debug version of the kernel and stepping through my program using gdb, but it always dies at the ioctl()
call; and I have no idea how I can step through the kernel.

I found that there was an ATADEBUG define that I put into the Makefile of a GENERIC kernel build, but this doesn't seem to have given me any additional
insight into the problem. =/

Should I just stick in extra printf() calls into the ATA driver? I'd prefer not to modify the kernel's source code if I can help it; but I'll do so if I

Adding printfs to kernel code doesn't break kernel and you will now what is you driver/ioctl doing.



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