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Re: Kern/41566, Problem with pty(4) handling under NetBSD-5 filed.

        hello.  Thank you for taking care of this fix.  I appreciate it very
much.  Hopefully the pull up to the 5.x branch won't take too long.  It
seems like a fairly serious bug to have living in a release.
Again, thanks for the quick turn around.
On Jun 12, 10:25am, Iain Hibbert wrote:
} Subject: Re: Kern/41566, Problem with pty(4) handling under NetBSD-5 filed
} On Thu, 11 Jun 2009, Brian Buhrow wrote:
} >     Hello.  The following patch seems to fix the problem for me.  Can you
} > try it and tell me if it works for you?    If so, I'll submit it to the bug
} > report. Then, could we get it looked at and committed as well as pulled up
} > to the 5.x branch?
} I'll do it, I think its the correct fix as comparing the pre-condvar
} version (-r1.99) shows
} -     error = ltsleep((void *)&tp->t_rawq.c_cf, TTOPRI | PCATCH | PNORELOCK,
} -                    ttyout, 0, &tp->t_slock);
} -     splx(s);
} +     error = cv_wait_sig(&tp->t_rawcv, &tty_lock);
} +     mutex_spin_exit(&tty_lock);
} whereas all the other sleeps using t_rawq.c_cf were converted to t_rawcvf
} iain
>-- End of excerpt from Iain Hibbert

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