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Re: static functions are your friends (Was GPIO revisited)

On Sun, Aug 09, 2009 at 05:41:35PM +0200, Marc Balmer wrote:
> And this should of course be a feature of a stock kernel, not of a  
> custom debug kernel. The crashed will happen in the wild, not when I am 
> debugging in my lab.

This is a bad argument.  Knowing in what function the kernel crashed
will not always pinpoint the bug anyway.  If you want to debug *your*
code, you'd better compile yourself a kernel that will fit your needs.
Crashes on non-dev machines (yours or other people's) will always be
easier to deal with with a crashdump.

> People decided to try to force me to make my functions static, although. 
> many, many functions in the kernel are not.

I am really getting tired of hearing that idiotic argument, and it seems
to me it only comes from your writing.  Yes, there is a lot of code in
NetBSD that is not written as it should be.  Fix it or get over it, but
please don't use it as an excuse to perpetuate the mistakes.  You'll
lose all credibility.  (Don't take this as an incentive to do an auto-
mated, kernel-wide staticification.  I'm saying that to all readers,
because some might be sweep-happy.)

Believe it or not, people managed to develop and debug device drivers in

Quentin Garnier - -
"See the look on my face from staying too long in one place
[...] every time the morning breaks I know I'm closer to falling"
KT Tunstall, Saving My Face, Drastic Fantastic, 2007.

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