Attached patch provides support for the hardware monitoring capabilities that
are present in many modern desktop motherboards from ASUS featuring the
ATK0110 ACPI device.
This driver, aibs(4), is a replacement to NetBSD's existing aiboost(4). The
differences between the two include limit support in aibs(4), as well as
generally cleaner and easier to read code, since the driver has been
rewritten and retested from scratch (albeit originally for a different OS):
$ wc aiboost.c atk0110.c
451 1347 11871 aiboost.c
450 1298 10671 atk0110.c
Fewer lines of code for more functionality is always nice. :-)
Both aibs(4) and aiboost(4) can be build into the same kernel: aibs(4)
returns a higher confidence value in its match routine, so it will win in
autoconf(9) over aiboost(4). This patch does not yet remove aiboost(4),
although the presence of aibs(4) does make aiboost(4) rather obsolete and
Limits are automatically gathered by aibs(4) and monitored through
sysmon_envsys(9), and are viewable from envstat(8). The manual page is
included and has more details, as well as example output.
Best regards,
Constantine. http://cnst.su/
Constantine A. Murenin
David R. Cheriton School of Computer Science
University of Waterloo
200 University Avenue West
Waterloo, Ontario N2L 3G1