} > I'm just asking if "options INSECURE is mandaory to use autoloading,"
} > not module/autoloading is secure/silly/boo or not.
} No. As far as I can tell, there's a bug in the relevant kauth listener,
} at least in terms of the original intent of the author of the autoloading
} code; the system scope kauth listener should return DEFER, not DENY.
module_listener_cb() was added to kern_module.c in revision 1.51
by elad. The kauth_authorize_system() calls were added to
kern_module.c by ad, but the respective commit log messages doesn't say
anything about them, so the original intent of the author of the
autoloading code (ad) is unclear.
The following patch makes autoload works even on securelevel > 0,
but I'm not sure if it's correct and acceptable.
If not, options INSECURE is the only way to enable it..
Index: secmodel/securelevel/secmodel_securelevel.c
RCS file: /cvsroot/src/sys/secmodel/securelevel/secmodel_securelevel.c,v
retrieving revision 1.20
diff -u -p -r1.20 secmodel_securelevel.c
--- secmodel/securelevel/secmodel_securelevel.c 7 Oct 2009 01:06:57 -0000
+++ secmodel/securelevel/secmodel_securelevel.c 16 Oct 2010 22:15:11 -0000
@@ -254,7 +254,7 @@ secmodel_securelevel_system_cb(kauth_cre
- if (securelevel > 0)
+ if ((uintptr_t)arg2 == 0 && securelevel > 0)
Izumi Tsutsui