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Re: New apple keymap variant or keymap in /usr/share/wscons/keymaps?

Frank Wille wrote:

> I have a few additional command keys for USB keyboards used internally
> in Apple notebooks, which are valid for all national layouts:
>     KC(209), KS_Cmd,            KS_Cmd_BrightnessDown,
>     KC(210), KS_Cmd,            KS_Cmd_BrightnessUp,
>     KC(211), KS_Cmd_VolumeToggle,
>     KC(212), KS_Cmd_VolumeDown,
>     KC(213), KS_Cmd_VolumeUp,
>     KC(214),                    KS_Num_Lock
> Those commands will be generated for FN-f1..f6.
> In the future we could all more commands, e.g. for keyboard
> illumination.
> Now the question is: would it be prefered to add another keymap-variant
> (called "apple") to ukbdmap.c, or just make a new keymap file in
> /usr/share/wscons/keymaps, which can be used wscons.cfg?

I came to the conclusion that it might be easier and less intrusive to
create a new keymap file (e.g. called "") for those
function keys. So they can easily be added to any national keyboard layout.

But I realized that wsconsctl is unable to process a mapping-line with just
one Cmd_*, or a Cmd followed by Cmd_Function in it. When there is no good
reason that those are rejected I will fix it in the wsconsctl-parser now.

Frank Wille

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