Index of tech-kern for January, 2011

Jonathan A. Kollaschoptions USB_FRAG_DMA_WORKAROUND
Matt ThomasRe: options USB_FRAG_DMA_WORKAROUND
David Hollandparsepath op
David Hollandsemantics of TRYEMULROOT
David LaightRe: parsepath op
matthew sporlederRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Alexander NasonovFix for kern/44310 (write to /dev/bpf truncates size_t to int)
David LaightRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
David HollandRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
David LaightRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
David HollandRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
David HollandRe: parsepath op
Eduardo HorvathRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
David HollandRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Luciano Rodrigues FurtadoHow to define a major for a pseudo character device on NetBSD 1.6
Brad du PlessisRe: Potential re(4) / netbsd-4 / i386 problem?
Manuel BouyerRe: How to define a major for a pseudo character device on NetBSD 1.6
Masao UebayashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Masao UebayashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Matt ThomasRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Joerg Sonnenberger__ps_strings and compat32
Masao UebayashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Masao UebayashiRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Masao UebayashiRe: physical address management, round 2
David LaightRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Christos ZoulasRe: __ps_strings and compat32
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: __ps_strings and compat32
David HollandRe: __ps_strings and compat32
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: __ps_strings and compat32
Martin HusemannBogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Masao UebayashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Masao UebayashiRe: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Eduardo HorvathRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Martin HusemannRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Eduardo HorvathRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Martin HusemannRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Martin HusemannRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Eduardo HorvathRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Martin HusemannRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Eduardo HorvathRe: Bogus KASSERT() in LFS?
Joerg SonnenbergerProviding access to the ELF Auxillary Vector for all binaries
Steven BellovinRe: Providing access to the ELF Auxillary Vector for all binaries
Toru NishimuraTLB tiredown by ASID bump
Matt ThomasRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Toru NishimuraRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Matt ThomasRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Matt ThomasRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Toru NishimuraRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Toru NishimuraRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Providing access to the ELF Auxillary Vector for all binaries
Eduardo HorvathRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Toru NishimuraRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Eduardo HorvathRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Brian BuhrowProblems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Eduardo HorvathRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
der MouseRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Eduardo HorvathRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Toru NishimuraRe: TLB tiredown by ASID bump
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Matthew MondorRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
matthew greenre: semantics of TRYEMULROOT
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
matthew greenre: Nouveau (Open Source 3D acceleration for nVidia cards) on NetBSD.
Lars Heidiekervmem kmem interaction
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Manuel BouyerWAPBL kernel assertion
Antti KanteeRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Antti KanteeRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Manuel BouyerRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Masao UebayashiRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Christos ZoulasRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Greg TroxelRe: WAPBL kernel assertion
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Christos ZoulasRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Hans Rosenfeldamr Serious performance issues
Manuel BouyerRe: amr Serious performance issues
Hans RosenfeldRe: amr Serious performance issues
Manuel BouyerRe: amr Serious performance issues
Juergen Hannken-IlljesRevoke() and VOP_OPEN() vs. vref()
Toru Nishimuramodules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Eduardo HorvathRe: amr Serious performance issues
Hans RosenfeldRe: amr Serious performance issues
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: amr Serious performance issues
=?ISO-8859-1?Q?Gr=E9goire_Sutre?=Multiple interlocks on the same condvar(9)
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: Multiple interlocks on the same condvar(9)
matthew greenre: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Martin HusemannRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Izumi TsutsuiRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Izumi TsutsuiRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Izumi TsutsuiRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Izumi TsutsuiRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Manuel Bouyerkernel messages and rump
Antti KanteeRe: kernel messages and rump
Manuel Bouyerquota(1) & friends for rump ?
Manuel BouyerRe: kernel messages and rump
Antti KanteeRe: quota(1) & friends for rump ?
Toru NishimuraRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Antti KanteeRe: kernel messages and rump
Izumi TsutsuiRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
David LaightRe: modules_enabled in kernel ELF note section
Martin HusemannSoftfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Christos ZoulasRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Matt ThomasRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Matthias DrochnerRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Martin HusemannRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Christoph Eggerxorg pci probing
Martin HusemannRe: xorg pci probing
Lars Heidiekerkernel memory allocators
Joerg SonnenbergerDates in boot loaders on !x86
der MouseRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Martin HusemannRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Bernd ErnestiRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
der MouseRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
David LaightRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
der MouseRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Johnny BillquistSoftint question.
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: CVS commit: src/sys/uvm
Matt ThomasRe: Softint question.
Manuel Bouyerprop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Izumi TsutsuiRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
John NemethRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Matt ThomasRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Matt ThomasRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Garrett CooperBi-arch 64-bit/32-bit bug in *chflags(2) on NetBSD / standardizing *chflags(2)?
der MouseRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
matthew greenre: Bi-arch 64-bit/32-bit bug in *chflags(2) on NetBSD / standardizing *chflags(2)?
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
David HollandRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Martin HusemannRe: xorg pci probing
matthew greenre: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Martin HusemannRe: xorg pci probing
Garrett CooperRe: Bi-arch 64-bit/32-bit bug in *chflags(2) on NetBSD / standardizing *chflags(2)?
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Jared McNeillRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Martin HusemannRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Izumi TsutsuiRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
der MouseRe: xorg pci probing
der MouseRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
haadRe: xorg pci probing
Julio MerinoRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Martin HusemannRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Julio MerinoRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Martin HusemannRe: xorg pci probing
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Johnny BillquistRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
haadRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
haadRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Johnny BillquistRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
haadRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Martin HusemannRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
Johnny BillquistWeird sprious input
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
David LaightRe: Bi-arch 64-bit/32-bit bug in *chflags(2) on NetBSD / standardizing *chflags(2)?
David YoungRe: xorg pci probing
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
David HollandRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Adam HamsikRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
matthew greenre: xorg pci probing
David HollandRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: Dates in boot loaders on !x86
David YoungRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
Allen BriggsRe: kernel memory allocators
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
matthew greenre: xorg pci probing
MichaelRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Masao UebayashiRe: xorg pci probing
Christoph EggerRe: xorg pci probing
Johnny BillquistRe: Weird sprious input
Manuel Bouyerkauth question (for quotas)
Masao UebayashiRe: kernel memory allocators
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
Allen BriggsRe: kernel memory allocators
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
YAMAMOTO TakashiRe: kernel memory allocators
Dennis FergusonIs there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
matthew greenre: kernel memory allocators
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: kernel memory allocators
Dennis FergusonRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Andrew DoranRe: kernel memory allocators
Andrew DoranRe: kernel memory allocators
der MouseRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Paul KoningRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Peter SeebachRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
der MouseRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Sad CloudsRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Steven BellovinRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Eduardo HorvathRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Paul KoningRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
matthew greenre: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Brian BuhrowRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
Christos ZoulasRe: Bi-arch 64-bit/32-bit bug in *chflags(2) on NetBSD / standardizing *chflags(2)?
Dennis FergusonRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Dennis FergusonRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Dennis FergusonRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Ignatios SouvatzisRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
YAMAMOTO Takashire: kernel memory allocators
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
Antti KanteeRe: kernel memory allocators
Sad CloudsRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Greg OsterRe: Problems with raidframe under NetBSD-5.1/i386
der MouseRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Sad CloudsRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
der MouseRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
David LaightRe: Is there a way to obtain a machine's cache line size?
Martin HusemannRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Martin HusemannRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
Lars HeidiekerRe: kernel memory allocators
Antti KanteeRe: kernel memory allocators
David LaightRe: kernel memory allocators
Manuel BouyerRe: prop_*_internalize and copyin/out for syscall ?
Alexander NasonovRe: Fix for kern/44310 (write to /dev/bpf truncates size_t to int)
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusPer-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
Martin HusemannRe: Per-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: Per-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
Andrew DoranRe: Per-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
Mindaugas RasiukeviciusRe: Per-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
Martin HusemannRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Christos ZoulasRe: Softfloat userland needing to properly deliver SIGFPE traps
Matt ThomasQuestion about spin-lock/interrupt/ipl interaction.
Dennis FergusonRe: Question about spin-lock/interrupt/ipl interaction.
Andrew DoranRe: Question about spin-lock/interrupt/ipl interaction.
Andrew DoranRe: Per-CPU Unit (PCU) interface
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Martin HusemannRe: mpt Serious performance issues
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Martin HusemannRe: mpt Serious performance issues
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Manuel BouyerRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Manuel BouyerRe: mpt Serious performance issues
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Manuel BouyerRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Hauke FathRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Matt ThomasHeads-Up: 64-bit clean routing socket diffs
Manuel Bouyerconcourent access to a buffer
David Hollandturning off COMPAT_386BSD_MBRPART in disklabel
StephanRe: mpt Serious performance issues
Izumi TsutsuiRe: turning off COMPAT_386BSD_MBRPART in disklabel
Matthias DrochnerRe: turning off COMPAT_386BSD_MBRPART in disklabel