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Re: POSIX Semaphores

On Sat, 23 Feb 2013, John Nemeth wrote:

On Jun 9,  7:19pm, Paul Goyette wrote:
} According to the man page sem(4), one needs to include "options
} P1003_1B_SEMAPHORE" in the kernel config file in order to support this
} feature.  Yet, the file kern/uipc_sem.c is included unconditionally in
} all kernels, and there appears to be nothing in NetBSD anywhere that
} depends on P1003_1B_SEMAPHORE.
} Most of the MODULAR-ization work has already been done (with only the
} actual building of the loadable module left), so I would like to propose
} that this feature be made conditional, as described in sem(4).

    The feature was condiational in the past, but made unconditional
on the basis that it is essential.  The man page is out of date.  The
appropriate action would be to delete that statement from the manpage.

If it is unconditionally required, does it make sense for it to be a "module" which can only be built-in, and never unloaded/reloaded?

Or is it more useful to have a stub for sem_init(2) that auto-loads the module if not already loaded?

| Paul Goyette     | PGP Key fingerprint:     | E-mail addresses:       |
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