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Re: Questions about LVM compatibility

Am 27.02.2013 00:21, schrieb Adam Hamsik:

On Feb,Tuesday 26 2013, at 4:07 PM, tech mailinglists 
<> wrote:

Hello all,

I hope this is the right place to ask this question but I think here I will get 
the most reliable answer.

Is the NetBSD implementation of LVM compatible with the Linux implementation of 
yes it is. Both are fully compatible.
I read a little bit about the NetBSD LVM implementation and found out that the 
implementation in the kernel is written completly new and that the  userland 
tools are ported from the Linux code. But I found no information whether the 
NetBSD LVM implementation is compatible to the Linux one.
See above.

The situation is as follows: I have a few servers where I am using Xen. The 
disks I have are actually LVM based and I wan't to switch to NetBSD. This would 
be no problem but there are two things which would be intereseting: Can I still 
use my already created LVMs so the PVs, VGs and LVs in NetBSD? The second thing 
would be they only have a Linux and FreeBSD livesystem for rescue reasons. So 
would I be able to access the LVM volumes from within the Linux livesystem when 
it is needed?
You should be able to manipulate with LVM structures without any problems. But 
you will not be able to mount filesystem on them (at least on linux LVs). but 
you will be able to access them from Linux VM.

Hope that someone can give me an answer to these questions.

Best Regards

P.S. Sorry for my bad english and the wrong post mode.

Hello Adam,

first I want to thank you for your reply. That all sounds very good to me. With the mount problem you mean that I can not use every linux filesystem on NetBSD? So I could use ext2 on NetBSD but other filesystems like ext3 or ext4 I can just use within the VM and from the livesystem am I right?

A second thing I thought about was the problem of an encryption system which works on NetBSD an Linux. I found a more or less official (I can't say whether its official) pkgsrc package of Truecrypt on And I read that tcplay is compatible to Truecrypt but I don't know if there is a tcplay version for NetBSD.

Is there a crypto system which can be used from Linux and NetBSD? So that I can encrypt the physical device in the LVM structure? The other way I think would to be to use the functionallity of the guest operating system within the Xen DomU.

Best Regards

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