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Re: LG CRD-8322B does not work


From: "Thomas Schmitt" <>, Date: Fri, 20 Jun 2014 
16:39:51 +0200

> Hi,
>> I have LG CRD-8322B CD-ROM drive that is shipped with Sun Ultra 5.
>> cd0 at atapibus0 drive 0: <CRD-8322B, 1998/09/24, 1.05> cdrom removable
>> I have received some comments.
>> my problem may be caused from bad CD-R, or my CRD-8322B is broken.
>> I believe "CRD-8322B, 1998/09/24, 1.05" has problem.
> Old enough to have a proprietary command set. But above line
> and also the internet say it has IDE/ATAPI connection. So it
> might already be governed by SCSI/MMC.
> In this case it might be worth to watch a program like cdrecord or
> xorriso trying to inspect the loaded medium while their SCSI command
> log is enabled:
>   cdrecord -v -V dev=...?... -msinfo \
>     2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/cdrecord_log
> or
>   xorriso -scsi_log on -report_about debug -indev /dev/rcd0d -toc \
>     2>&1 | tee -i /tmp/xorriso_log
> The logs will tell commands out of SCSI volumes SPC, SBC, MMC,
> and the reaction of the drive. (I did not test the cdrecord command.)
> Expect several hundred lines of text.

My Sun Ultra 5 is building xorriso from pkgsrc/sysutils/libisoburn now.
I will post the result later.

>> atabus1 at cmdide0 channel 1
>> ...
>> atapibus0 at atabus1: 2 targets
>> cd0 at atapibus0 drive 0: <CRD-8322B, 1998/09/24, 1.05> cdrom removable
>> ...
>> wdc_atapi_intr: bad data phase DATAOUT
>> cmdide0:1:0: reset failed
>> cmdide0:1:0: unbusy timed out
> This looks rather like a bus problem than like firmware
> or mechano-optical drive component.
>> I have another Sun Ultra 5 that has same configuration
> But two identical bus controller failures ?
> Maybe the IDE/ATAPI driver has a problem with that hardware ?

CRD-8322B in i386 machine does not work as same as in Sun Ultra 5
in mount/umount case.
This show me the problem is in CRD-8322B, not in bus.

Thank you.

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