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Re: UVM wait states

    Date:        Thu, 25 Feb 2016 01:08:29 -0500
    From:        Thor Lancelot Simon <>
    Message-ID:  <>

  | Equivalent new Intel server processors are at 14 or 18 cores.
  | Servers with hundreds of cores

If you arrange for 6 background (dark or light) colours,
and 6 foreground colours (light or dark .. the opposite of bg),
and use them in all combinations, and 64 "names" that would (I
think) get you to 2304 different combinations.

The 6 light could be white, lemon, page green, pale blue, pink, pale magenta
or something.

Dark: black, royal blue, emerald green, red, orange, purple

Or just play, finding 6 (or even 8) pairs of colours that can all be
mixed and matched can't be that hard.   Even on a dumb 4 colour terminal
gives 12 (not black on black, so 4*3) combinations and allows for 768
different displays.

For the kind of thing this would be used for, no-one really wants (or needs)
to be able to identify individual processors (cores) all you're really
going to be looking for is to see that things are nicely balanced (lots of
different colours/names on the display).   When you really need to find
info about one process (say one waiting on something, and you have no idea why)
ps with options that display either very wide lines (which might wrap) or
multiple lines is just fine - and that can display the id with as many
chars as it needs to display the full numeric value.

Anyway, this is just one random stray idea (I am certainly not going to
be implementing it) - but it seems that displaying either whan/1 for all of
cores 1, and 10..19 is sub-optimal, as is continually reducing the number
of whan name chars available (with > 100 cores, there'd be only 4 chars
left in that 8 char field).


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