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Re: Power-cycle a usb port

>> I know that there exists hardware that can not control the USB port
>> power supply.  At least in the non-laptop world.
> In the meantime, I found this that claims to work from userland

Read the (well, in the git view of it; I don't know about the
HTTPS view of it):

| This only works on USB hubs that have the hardware necessary to allow
| software controlled power switching. Most hubs DO NOT include the hardware.

Despite the misplaced modifier, the meaning is clear.  There is a list
of hubs that _do_ support power switching, but it's fairly short, only
eight models.  (But others likely exist.)

It might be nice to have this for hardware that does support it - but
I'm not the one (putatively) doing the work, so my opinion on the
matter is probably worth about what you paid for it. :-)

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