Index of tech-kern for April, 2021

Thor Lancelot SimonRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (causing python3.7 rebuild to get stuck in kernel in "entropy" during an "import" statement)
Greg A. WoodsRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
RVPRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
Greg A. WoodsRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
matthew greenre: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
RVPRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
Manuel BouyerRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? (causing python3.7 rebuild to get stuck in kernel in "entropy" during an "import" statement)
Manuel BouyerRe: nothing contributing entropy in Xen domUs? or dom0!!!
Khaled EmaraGSoC 2021 Introduction
Piyush SachdevaProposal draft [GSOC]
Manuel BouyerUVM behavior under memory pressure
MouseRe: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Greg A. WoodsRe: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Manuel BouyerRe: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Greg A. WoodsRe: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Frank KardelRe: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Greg A. Woodsregarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Steffen NurpmesoRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
niaRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Robert ElzRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
John NemethRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thomas KlausnerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Havard EidnesRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
matthew greenre: UVM behavior under memory pressure
Paul GoyetteRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
RVPRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Havard EidnesRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Havard EidnesRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Havard EidnesRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Mansour MoufidRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
RVPRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Brian BuhrowRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
MouseRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Robert ElzRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Lloyd ParkesRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
niaRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
John NemethRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Michael van ElstRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Manuel BouyerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Manuel BouyerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Michael van ElstRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Pedro FalcatoGSOC Userland PCI drivers (possible duplicate)
Manuel BouyerRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
niaRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg TroxelRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Taylor R CampbellRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg TroxelRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: Proposal draft [GSOC]
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Koning, PaulRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
RVPRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Koning, PaulRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
RVPRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
matthew sporlederRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
matthew sporlederRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Martin HusemannRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Greg A. WoodsRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Thor Lancelot SimonRe: regarding the changes to kernel entropy gathering
Emmanuel Dreyfusumodeswitch
Martin HusemannRe: umodeswitch
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: umodeswitch
Piyush SachdevaProposal Draft Revision-1
Greg A. WoodsI think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. Woodsa working patch to _allow_ non-hardware-RNG entropy sources
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: umodeswitch
Brian BuhrowRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. WoodsRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. WoodsRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Manuel BouyerRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Manuel BouyerRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Robert ElzRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Robert ElzRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Robert ElzRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
=?UTF-8?B?SmFyb23DrXIgRG9sZcSNZWs=?=Re: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. WoodsRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. WoodsRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. Woodsone remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Robert ElzRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
RVPRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Michael van ElstRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
RVPRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Michael van ElstRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Michael van ElstRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: umodeswitch
Christos ZoulasRe: umodeswitch
Re: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Anders MagnussonRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Ignatios Souvatzis, YCMRe: I think I've found why Xen domUs can't mount some file-backed disk images! (vnd(4) hides labels!)
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: umodeswitch
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
=?UTF-8?B?SmFyb23DrXIgRG9sZcSNZWs=?=Re: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
niaAudio system preferring surround formats
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
David BrownleeRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsRe: one remaining mystery about the FreeBSD domU failure on NetBSD XEN3_DOM0
Greg A. WoodsXen FreeBSD domU block I/O problem begins somewhere between 8.99.32 (2020-06-09) and 9.99.81 (2021-03-10)
Jason ThorpeSome changes to autoconfiguration APIs
Andrew ParkerZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
J. Hannken-IlljesRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
Robert ElzRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
Andrew ParkerRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
Manuel BouyerRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
J. Hannken-IlljesRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
Greg A. WoodsRe: Xen FreeBSD domU block I/O problem on -current only affects reads > 1024 bytes
Andrew ParkerRe: ZFS L2ARC on NetBSD-9
Emmanuel DreyfusRe: umodeswitch
Taylor R CampbellRe: Some changes to autoconfiguration APIs
Dave Tysonproblem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
matthew greenre: problem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
Dave TysonRe: problem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
matthew greenre: problem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
Dave TysonRe: problem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
Joerg SonnenbergerRe: problem with USER_LDT in current 9.99.81
Vincent DEFERTExt4 support
Christos ZoulasRe: Ext4 support
Vincent DEFERTRe: Ext4 support
=?UTF-8?B?SmFyb23DrXIgRG9sZcSNZWs=?=Re: Ext4 support
Re: Ext4 support
Jonathan A. KollaschRe: Ext4 support
niaRe: Audio system preferring surround formats
Re: Ext4 support