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TI WiLink Driver

Hi all,

I was looking through the existing WiFi drivers in NetBSD, but I don't
see any drivers supporting the TI WiLink chips.

Specifically I am interested in a driver for the WL183* chip. This ic
is used to provide 802.11a,b,g,n support and bluetooth support for
embedded systems.  I have a BeagleBone Black system which supports a
cape extension featuring this chip, this seems like it would be good
for driver development. This driver is already present in Linux (see
drivers/net/wireless/ti/wl* in the Linux source tree), so I wonder if
we can just port it over.

I'm aware there is an ongoing WiFi project to port FreeBSD's 802.11
layer to NetBSD, so I think currently we can't support 802.11n,
however it should still be feasible to add support for the other
802.11 protocols and bluetooth support. Then we could add the new
driver to the WiFi driver state matrix for the FreeBSD port.

Is there any interest (or opposition) to the addition of this driver?
If I were to work on porting this driver would it be possible to have
it upstreamed?


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