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Re: [10.99.12] Panic (softints stuck)

Simon Burge a écrit :
> Hi JB,

	Hi Simon,

> On the dump device issue:
> =?UTF-8?Q?BERTRAND_Jo=c3=abl?= wrote:
>>>> 	I have checked, always the same panic message. I would have more
>>>> information, but as you see, "dump device 'is' bad". For a while, my
>>>> system is not able to write kernel dump. With -9, it worked. Never with
>>>> -10 (but without message). -10.99 complains against bad device. My swap
>>>> is on raid0b. Maybe kernel cannot write a dump on a raid slice.
>>> I have filed PR kern/59024: dump fails on raid0b
>>> <> to track the dump issue.  Can you
>>> please update your kernel to HEAD (with sys/arch/amd64/amd64/machdep.c
>>> rev. 1.370) and try again?
>>> Can you confirm that you had the same disk configuration in 9, 10, and
>>> HEAD -- that is, dump device configured to be raid0b, and the same
>>> disklabel type of swap for raid0b?
>> 	This server was installer with -8.0 and upgraded. Disks have been
>> replaced, but disk configuration was the same from installation to now.
>>   [ ... ]
>> /dev/raid0b             none            swap    sw,dp           0 0
> I'm using 10.99.10 with a raidframe mirror for swap/dump and it works.
> I'm now using GPT everywhere, but have previously used disklabels
> successfully.
>    thoreau 56978> gpt show -a raid2
>          start       size  index  contents
>              0          1         PMBR
>              1          1         Pri GPT header
>              2         32         Pri GPT table
>             34         94         Unused
>            128  134233823      1  GPT part - NetBSD swap
>                                     Type: swap
>                                     TypeID: 49f48d32-b10e-11dc-b99b-0019d1879648
>                                     GUID: 64a7f3b1-bfb3-428e-815f-c995ec6b1310
>                                     Size: 65544 M
>                                     Label: swap
>                                     Attributes: None
>      134233951         32         Sec GPT table
>      134233983          1         Sec GPT header
>    thoreau 56979> grep swap /etc/fstab
>    NAME=swap               none            swap    sw              0 0
>    NAME=swap               none            swap    dp              0 0
> I forget why I have separate lines for "sw" and "dp", but that seems to be
> the main difference in our config.  Maybe try that and see if it works
> for you?

	Try in progres ;-)

> Also, does this show that you have a valid dump device configured with your
> current fstab config?
>    thoreau 56984> swapctl -z
>    dump device is dk8

	I have...

legendre# swapctl -z
dump device is raid0b

	Now, system runs with patched 10.99.12 and I haven't see panic anymore.
Wait and see.



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