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[10.99.12] Two panics this night


	As dump now runs, I have more information about panics.

First one:

legendre# /usr/src/netbsd-current/obj/usr.sbin/crash/crash -M
netbsd.1.core -N netbsd.1
Crash version 10.99.12, image version 10.99.12.
crash: _kvm_kvatop(0)
Kernel compiled without options LOCKDEBUG.
System panicked: cpu0: softints stuck for 16 seconds
Backtrace from time of crash is available.
crash> bt
__kernel_end() at 0
kern_reboot() at kern_reboot+0x93
vpanic() at vpanic+0x17b
panic() at printf_nostamp
heartbeat() at heartbeat+0x34c
hardclock() at hardclock+0x8b
Xresume_lapic_ltimer() at Xresume_lapic_ltimer+0x1e
--- interrupt ---
_kernel_lock() at _kernel_lock+0xe5
intr_biglock_wrapper() at intr_biglock_wrapper+0x16
Xhandle_ioapic_edge32() at Xhandle_ioapic_edge32+0x75
--- interrupt ---
x86_mwait() at x86_mwait+0xd
acpicpu_cstate_idle() at acpicpu_cstate_idle+0x19a
idle_loop() at idle_loop+0x128

Second one:

legendre# /usr/src/netbsd-current/obj/usr.sbin/crash/crash -M
netbsd.2.core -N netbsd.2
Crash version 10.99.12, image version 10.99.12.
crash: _kvm_kvatop(0)
Kernel compiled without options LOCKDEBUG.
System panicked: cpu0: softints stuck for 16 seconds
Backtrace from time of crash is available.
crash> bt
__kernel_end() at 0
kern_reboot() at kern_reboot+0x93
vpanic() at vpanic+0x17b
panic() at printf_nostamp
heartbeat() at heartbeat+0x34c
hardclock() at hardclock+0x8b
Xresume_lapic_ltimer() at Xresume_lapic_ltimer+0x1e
--- interrupt ---
mutex_vector_enter() at mutex_vector_enter+0x356
pool_get() at pool_get+0x69
pool_cache_get_slow() at pool_cache_get_slow+0x136
pool_cache_get_paddr() at pool_cache_get_paddr+0x254
m_get() at m_get+0x36
m_gethdr() at m_gethdr+0x9
tcp_output() at tcp_output+0x1284
tcp_input() at tcp_input+0xeec
ipintr() at ipintr+0x88c
softint_dispatch() at softint_dispatch+0x112
DDB lost frame for Xsoftintr+0x4c, trying 0xffffb104a84ad0f0
Xsoftintr() at Xsoftintr+0x4c
--- interrupt ---

	I don't know if these informations are relevant. I have a kernel with
debug symbols and I can upload kernel and crash dump files on a ftp server.

	Best regards,


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